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making a line connection between Stress and Relaxation Banner, Relax Deeper, Recover Quicker, Perform Better.

relax deeper      recover quicker      perform better

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Esencia Health Recovery through Relaxation :

On-LineEsencia Girl relaxed with on-line learning

 SpiritEsencia Spirit - Health, Awareness, Realisation, Holistic Happiness


Esencia Sport Practitioner - Relaxation and Health Recovery

  Relaxation Solution

  If so, then keep ahead of the game with Esencia relaxation® and add a  new tool to the   recovery toolbox.  This is simply the best experiential course for you, or your training support   staff.  The quality of this bodywork course will help you, or your training staff, learn new hands-   on skills and  meditative techniques  that can optimise the quality of  relaxation as part of a   proactive recovery plan.

  The adoption and repeated practise of  these state-of-the-art skills will result in the ability to   actively assist in intensive-relaxation through the quality of touch and attention then available.  

  Recovery times can be shorter or the quality of the recovery can improve in the time available.

  Our courses can be tailored to meet the  specific needs inherent in the competitive discipline you   operate within and are available in a number of formats to suit a wide variety of delivery needs…

  So, why keep doing exactly the same as the rest?  Try a different approach to optimise your   recovery planning.  Gain and retain the competitive edge and stand out from the crowd….

  What do I do now?

  All you need do is Contact Us  and we will take care of the rest. We will create a   bespoke training and transition programme just for you and your team.

  Check out what some of our recent trainees have to say here

  Successful Training

  Are you aware of the critical importance of rest and relaxation to  successful   training recovery?

  Are you aware that the quality of recovery is essential for optimal performance and   improvement?

  Are you proactive in planning recovery into your overall training programme?

  Do want to be able to train harder not longer? Would you relearn your recovery   plan if you knew you could?

  Do you want to help yourself, or others, to relax more deeply and improve the   quality of recovery?

  Are you one of the increasing numbers of people that recognise the role that the   ability to relax deeply plays in improving resilience and resolving fatigue?

  Finally….are you searching to push the training barrier to achieve those elusive   marginal gains?

  Esencia Relaxation®  for Sport




Open courses Esencia Spa Practitioner



More Information >

For prices and availability… contact us